Curtis Cooper

Curtis Was born to the late Curtis Gene Cooper, Sr. and Janice Elizabeth Gibson on March 27th, 1979 West Palm Beach, FL. Curtis has been dancing since the age of 3 years old. He has been exposed to different genre of dance. Curtis was a part of many dance organizations back in his hometown, then later moved to Tallahassee, FL where he now resides and married his wife Danielle of 16 years and fathered his son in 2009 Curtayis.

Curtis served with Aventer Cotton-Gray as a founding director over a Divine Praise Dance Ministry. He was a part of Flava Dance Company of Florida State University, Kollage Dance Company of Florida State University Orchesis Contemporary Dance Theater of FAMU, and currently Founder and Director of Community-Based Dance, INC. and a founding member of Reign Dance Company, under the directs of Aventer Cotton-Gray.